From the Director
Thank you for visiting our website and taking an interest in Kids International School. Although this website is just a small view of our school, I hope it can give you an idea about what opportunities we offer our children.
Kids International School gives a unique opportunity for our children to experience likenesses and differences that exist in the world through our international community. Although English is used as a means of communication, we understand that to some children English is a foreign language and we patiently guide them as they develop language at their own pace.
Our school community consists of families who have relocated to Japan from other countries, as well those who are Japanese nationals. Through a carefully designed curriculum, we assure families who have relocated to Japan that our children are given the proper instruction needed to smoothly transition back to their home country and not be behind in reading and math. As for Japanese nationals, we assure a good base for continued English language progression, as well as a head start in math concepts.
Our belief in the early years of learning is that children learn through play and active involvement in their environment. It is our priority to ensure this is done in nurturing, safe, and positive surroundings. By maintaining this environment, Kids International School offers our children the freedom of continued growth: socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively. In addition, we strongly support parent and family involvement in our learning community.
The principles and learning standards that guide our curriculum are driven by current research in early childhood education, as well as learning standards that match those in England, Australia, Canada, and the United States of America-as well as Japan. Through these learning standards, our certified staff delivers a creative curriculum which responds to our children's current interests and needs through daily experiences, themes, and special projects. Team teaching consists of a foreign teacher and a Japanese teacher, creating a low student to teacher ratio.
The early childhood experiences are a critical time in ones life for building a strong foundation for future development and learning. Whether your family is relocating to Japan from overseas, or your family was born and raised in Japan, we hope this websites can be of help in learning more about our school and the educational ideals we hold important. We look forward to answering any questions you may have as you search for a learning community that will be most beneficial to your child's developmental needs.
Thank you,
Michiru Mitani - Director

Michiru Mitani
KIS Principal , Early Childhood Educator