KEC Curriculum

Unfortunately, English education in Japan has taken a step in the opposite direction to what language acquisition theorists have researched as important steps to acquiring language. Fortunately, KEC English School considers it very important to provide children with the right education at the right time. In delivering our curriculum, we incorporate proper teaching theories according to a child's developmental stage. The early years are a critical period in language acquisition. Understanding this, we stimulate children visually to grab hold of their interest, and then properly use the tools necessary to tune their minds to the English language.

A monthly theme is planned for all levels. Our curriculum consists of dancing, singing, games, and crafts. Following the language acquisition process, children begin to learn to listen, understand, and speak naturally. Older children learn how to read and write.

Approaches and Methods Driving the Curriculum

Teaching English in English (TEE)

The Direct Method in the 19th century affected the English taught to us. We developed this method into TEE for children. This is quite natural for acquiring the language, and successful, especially for young children. Classroom instruction is conducted exclusively in English and basic everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught. In using this method oral communication skills are strengthened.

Picture Books and Songs Approach  (PS Approach)

Based on the Whole Language Approach, we established a new approach for Japanese children. Through monthly themes, we approach language from 4 directions: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Using picture book with songs is an attractive method to help children learn English.

Total Physical Response (TPR)

We approach TPR as Kid's TPR to our students. During classroom instruction, children learn verbs through actions and gestures. In elementary classes, students make sentences using these verbs to talk.


In our elementary classrooms, students learn phonics rules using tapes and textbooks, Learning phonics aides students in recognizing English letters in sounds, as well as decode unknown text. The more skills they are given to be successful in reading and writing, the more proficient they become in the English language which gives them the confidence to learn more.