Teacher Testimonials *
Randall Boughton
the U.S.A
KEC, 2014-2016
Working with Education Network was amazing experience. It has been one of the best moments of my life. Both professionally and personally I was able to positively grow.
The atmosphere at Education Network is extremely focused yet very open and lighthearted. The other teachers and staff are very welcoming, friendly, yet also focused and professional. Everyone is respectful. The unique atmosphere creates a reciprocal feeling that makes you want to perform at your best every single lesson.
The students are equally amazing. Teaching English seems as though the learning is one directional, instructor to student, however due our school’s curriculum, and the high quality of students that Education Network holds, I was able to grow just as much as an educator.
Our school contributes towards whole student development. Focusing on the student’s academic progress while also respecting and acknowledging their feeling as individuals. I was happy to push and support all of the students to become the best version of themselves.
I am proud to have worked with this school.
How to apply
If you are interested, please send your resume to us.
Please feel free to contact us for employment information for other positions.
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