Teacher Testimonials *

Kurt Fant

I had the pleasure to teach at the Kids International School for two school years between 2013 and 2015. I found Japan as a delightful land to live, work, and explore. Throughout my time with KIS, I was treated with the upmost respect as an educator and thoroughly enjoyed my time working in an exciting and stimulating environment.

KIS has an invested interest in the children, teachers, and community and does an outstanding job to provide the best learning environment for the students. Learning English is a priority but not without losing sight of the eagerness, enthusiasm, and joy of being a child. Education though discovery and play is fostered by the hard working staff.

A well-rounded team of teachers, administration, and office staff works wonderfully together and is very supportive to one other. Everyone brings something different to the school but at the same time remains open new ideas and teaching strategies. This unique mix of cultures, experience, and beliefs puts KIS at the forefront of learning and the students and their education therefore benefit.

How to apply

If you are interested, please send your resume to us.
Please feel free to contact us for employment information for other positions.

 宛先:株式会社 エデュケーション ネットワーク(担当:的馬)
 Email: jmatoba@ednet.co.jp
 Phone: 0561-64-5064